ブリット・ボーンズの日記 ~11月、セレンディピティ~ | BRITISH MADE

Brit Bones’s Diary ブリット・ボーンズの日記 ~11月、セレンディピティ~


Thursday 1st November




It wasn’t just to escape the British weather that I went to Rome, it was to explore the ruins, drink espressos and eat as much pizza and pasta as I could possibly fit into my body in four days. And that’s exactly what we did! Rome was a recipe of bustle, scents, chaotic traffic, nuns slowly strolling down the streets and Roman ruins. We visited the Forum Romanum during golden hour, watching the sun set over the ruins, which was possibly one of the best things I have ever seen – such a beautiful city where modern meets Roman. I already miss it and can’t wait to return!

Saturday 5th November


飛行機がスタンステッド空港に着陸すると、冷たい雨が降っていました。まさに英国らしい“おかえりなさい”というわけです。そこで今日は、寒さ対策に Nigel Cabourn × Fraw のコラボレーション ダッフルコートを着ることにしました(ローマは30度でしたから)。皆このコートのことをパディントンベア・コートと呼ぶので(まあ、否定はできませんよね)、パディントンの美学を受け入れることにしたんです!この写真は偶然にもパディントン周辺で撮ったもので、散策するのに好きなエリアのひとつです。Ralph Lauren のネクタイとシャツ、G H Bass WeejunsBlackhorse Lane Atelier Jeans を合わせてみました!

Duffle Coat Weather

The plane landed at Stansted airport into cold, wet rain – a very British welcome home. So today I decided to wear my Nigel Cabourn X Fraw collaboration duffle coat to protect me from the cold (Rome was 30 degrees Celsius). Everyone refers to this coat as my Paddington Bear coat (I guess I can’t deny it can I?), so I’ve started to embrace the Paddington aesthetic! These photos were actually taken around Paddington coincidentally – one of my favourite areas of London to stroll through. I paired the coat with a Ralph Lauren tie and shirt, G H Bass Weejuns and some Blackhorse Lane Atelier Jeans!

Wednesday 16th November


レストラン Dishoom にはいつも行列ができています。だから、通りすがりに行列がないと、ついつい入ってしまいます。この日は午後4時、遅めのランチ/早めのディナーの時間帯。薄暗い照明は金色に光っていて、11月の寒さから逃れるには居心地のいい空間でした。私たちはたくさんの料理を注目してシェアしました(シェアするの大好き。そうしないと食べているものに飽きてしまうから)。1900年代初頭の内装、ボンベイのコンフォートフード、店内はカレーとナグチャンパの香りに包まれていました……書きながら、また食べたくなってしまいました。


This restaurant, Dishoom, always has a queue. So, if you walk past and it doesn’t… you can hardly resist going in. It was 4pm, a late lunch/early dinner, the lights were low and golden making it a cosy place to escape the November cold. We ordered lots of dishes to share (my favourite way to eat – otherwise I get bored of what I’m eating). It serves Bombay comfort food in an early 1900s setting, the restaurant is filled with the scent of curry and nag champa incense – just writing about it makes me want to eat it all over again.

Friday 18th November

Tate Britain

テムズ川沿いにある Tate Britain は歴史のある素晴らしい建物で、外から見ても美しい美術館です。以前はよく行っていたのですが、ここ何年も行っていませんでした。それでも行くたびに、なんとなく芸術が自分の糧になるような、そんな豊かな気持ちになるんです。この日は、人混みを避けるために朝早く行ったのですが、気づいたら芸術鑑賞だけでなく、人間観察もしていました。ふと油絵を観ているこの年配の男性が気になりました。彼は自身が芸術作品になっているなと。特に、背中で繊細に構えている手が好きでした。

Tate Britain

The Tate Britain, situated along the Thames, is a grand old building and even from the outside, a beautiful place. I used to frequent it a lot but I haven’t been for years. Still, every time I go, I feel nourished like art can somehow feed me. I went earlier in the morning, to avoid the big crowds of people, and found myself not only watching the art, but people watching too. This older man looking at an oil painting caught my eye, he was artwork in his own way – I especially like his hand, so delicately poised behind his back.

Sunday 20th November



Telephone Box

I’m not sure I’ve ever taken a more British picture! I think it’s the photo everyone takes when they visit London – the telephone box photo (none of these really work anymore… most of them have been converted into other things!). It’s rare for me to wear bright colours like red (just the hint of red though), so I thought it serendipitous that I matched the telephone box! I really love them – when I see them I can’t help but think of a time in history when you’d have to run down your street to use a phone, or you’d have a stranger shout at you from outside your house because your friend had called the telephone box! It actually sounds quite refreshing to not have mobile phones!!

Photo & English Text by Brit Bones


ブリット・ボーンズの日記 ~9月、秋のロンドンより~
ブリット・ボーンズの日記 ~10月、ブラウンムード~

Brit Bones

Brit Bones


Brit Bones is an artist who lives in London. She works from her studio at home and explores the city on a daily basis. She draws, writes poetry, makes music, and does photography.

instagram: @incaseofbrit

Brit Bonesさんの
